Monday, June 29, 2009
I Passed the Test
Pop Goes the World
The man, the myth, the music.....the legend. Say say say what you will about him (sorry, couldn't resist) but the truth is the man made an impact on the world that no one else will ever make in our lifetime.
He never rushed into the twin towers, he is not a least not in that sense. He never cured cancer or saved a life....or did he? No matter how you think of and remember him there is just flat out no denying that the man was magical. Maybe not to you, if he wasn't your cup of tea that is fair. No one appeals to everyone universally but frankly....Michael Jackson was as close as we may ever come to that.
See... the thing is no matter what your opinion of him is that fact is you HAVE an opinion. And to have an opinion that means you experienced something about him. Could be the good stuff....there is plenty of that to pick from. Might be some of the bad....there is some of that too (the guy was human-despite what some fans believe). And when something happens like Michael Jackson passing away it brings the world to its knees.
Just for a moment-
for one second everyone has a shared experience and for that moment.....we are one.
(please thank me later for not saying we ARE the world....)
That is what struck me as I listened to what quickly became "all Michael all the time" radio is the 24 hours following his death. That no matter who you are, no matter where you are in the world you could stop someone and say "wow, did you hear Michael Jackson died?" and have a shared experience. cool.
Not cool that he died of course but there is just something massively powerful about moments and events like this. Not that it is on the same level (except in some ways it is..) it reminded me of 9/11. The specific image that came to mind is the headline of one of the European papers thet day after the attacks that read simply...."Today, we are all Americans". Watching all the reaction to Michael's death I could not help but think "Today, Michael brought the world together" and I have to think that is something he would be very proud and excited about.
As I think of his music and look forward to the days ahead when we can let go of the minutia of what happened when and they stop playing 911 calls and we can just remember the music and the man who created it....I hope Michael knows and understands that he will be missed and he will be celebrated and for one moment he brought the world together....and I thank him for that.
Peace be with you now.
Hometown Girl
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tonight's word.....
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Holli and Nolan's Dad
My 2 Dads
The Fog rolls in
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A Quicky
Work this week has been a grind but in a good way. I finally have gotten off my ass and started executing to my full potential. I switched markets to something a bit meatier (from sales to healthcare- recruiting that is for those of you who still have no idea what I do for a living, s'ok my sister still can't explain it either). I fought it for a long time but you know what? Fuck it, if it will make me money I am there. I have gotten a few bites so far which is cool and made about 500 cold calls in 4 days which is brutual but hey, its not like I have anyone to distract me. Ummm that being said feel free to text me during the day since I don't have any humans to talk to other than clients (and they aren't that much fun- at least until we get to the part where they pay me). So yeah, desperate times call for stepping up, sucking up and making it happen and if I am the sales person/recruiter I claim to be I am more than capable of creating my own destiny (and income) to get above this and get back to where I need to be financially....
I have good incentive to make big bucks to cuz Chris and I have lots and lots of adventures planned- we just need the income so we can start doing them but I have to say in the meantime I am so very much enjoying finding creative ways to enjoy each others time. Hey now- I didn't mean like that!! In case you haven't noticed I have been surprisingly sparse with the dirty details, not they aren't delicious and fun but frankly its MY shiny toy....mine mine mine and I don't feel like sharing!! Several friends have been asking about meeting him and I have to say while I love the idea and certainly want him to know my friends and vice versa I just have no desire to share right now. It's nice just being in the bubble of it all being new and exciting. So you will just have to enjoy what you get cuz I am keeping this one close.
Ok....I was gonna write more but due to my overwhelming popularity I am being IM'ed by 3 people on FB.
Hope this tides you over for now kids.....
Sunday, June 14, 2009
In Case you Missed it
Falling in Love
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Warning: May Cause Side Effects
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My Future?
Context - Ace of Cups: Have you had a rising of emotions for a particular love lately? If not it is on the way! This may be a new love relationship with a person or it could be a new interest, hobby, or friendship. Any way you look at it, it is all good! Enjoy the feeling of excitement from within!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Next Act
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Things to do to not F*ck Up
Sitting on the Sidelines
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I am never gonna be normal
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Solitude always brings out the worst in me... time out here and there is great but leave me alone, adrift and bad things happen. Like right now I am cranky and pissy as hell. Couldn't tell you exactly why. I am seeing (3 times now- new world record!!) a great guy who doesn't seem ready to bolt on me at a given moment. (The GPS tracker I slipped into his shoes when he came over last night should help should that change.) He is really into me personally and even wants to partner with me professionally- which I always hoped for in a "potential" someone....he is even playing along with the blog here (reading and commenting) and I really really like kissing him a bunch.
I am going back to my old job....downside is the money sucks (but its more than nothing) and I will pretty much be working alone BUT its got a ton of freedom for me to do what I do. Its the next best thing to working for myself which I hope is in the not too distant future.
I had my best blogging month ever- and you guys seem to be enjoying it. (yes? no?) I had 800 views last month and I will soon have passed the number of entries I made in 09 over all of 08! Guess I have a lot more to say this year....
So why am I this moody bitch today? No, I am asking....anyone got a clue?
Damn, me neither.
In regards to my current romantic situation I am so excited about seeing where this goes and what can happen. It has been so so long since I have met someone I could see any kind of future with-up to and including just the next date. It is thrilling to me to have Chris tell me about trips and plans he is thinking of for us in the near future (implying that he not only is going to be around but thinks about it when we aren't together?? wtf?? wow....). This could end up being a very busy summer in a very good way. But I gotta say I am scared.....I can't keep that little voice in the back of my head quite. The one that is sneering at me asking me what am I gonna do to fuck this one up? I have a long history of self sabatage and one would hope that eventually you get over it but what if you don't? All I can do is be really aware of what I say and do and watch those random impulses I get (tricky those things are cuz sometimes they are very good but sometimes.....bad, very very bad)
I guess I really hope I will get some help in the not fucking it up part. I hope Chris will be the kind of guy who can call bullshit on me when he sees me going in a bad direction. Of course he is gonna have to get to know me better to get a good baseline of what is "acceptable" craziness by Tracey standards. He was talking about how he can see how close I am to realizing my full potential and he has a knack for bringing that out in people. I hope that is true and I hope that I can give him something he needs as well. I want to be there for him as much as he is talking about being there for'd be nice to get there together.
Arrrghhhh. I need to just chill out and find a project to get into. I will be going back to work Thursday.....was Monday, then Friday now Thursday...I am sure by the end of the day it will be come in tomorrow. So I should just fucking chill out right? Enjoy the break, bask in the new relationship and great sex.....right??
Ok, I'll try.....but no promises.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Halloween Story
So Wendy was a hideous monster of a person and living with her was like walking through a mine field. You just never knew when this chick would blow up. Janet was/is a very cute petite girl and Wendy decided she was going to get down to her size so she went on a laxative diet and dropped a bunch of weight. What that meant was poor Janet's closet became fair game for Wendy. Asking not necessary....although if she had asked the answer would have been yes not the taking thing, not so cool. Not even my closet was immune though. I remember sitting down and noticing Wendy was wearing a familiar garment of clothing. I went to see if I could find my item of clothing that looked exactly like the one she was wearing and -shocker- it was not there! I came back in the living room and sat down and must have had a quizzical look on my face cuz she asked me what was wrong. I told her I couldn't find my white sports bra and she said mean this one as she grabbed her ample chest (stretched it out thank you very much). Ummm yeah- that one. I nodded and she got up and gave me a look like I was the stupidest bitch to ever fall off the apple cart.
She worked as a aid in a nursing home (I can only imagine how delightful she was with her patients) and I remember we had to be very careful to make sure whatever movie we were watching when she got home (we would watch movies allllll the time waiting for her then we would go out to the bars) and if it was the wrong movie (and there was no telling what "wrong" was on any given night) she would fly into a rage or pout or whatever random extreme emotion bubbled to the surface.
Ahhhhh good times.....
Eventually her man crazy ways were successful and she succeed in trapping a poor guy named Brad into being her love monkey. To this day I don't understand what a guy as nice as he was saw in her but she got her hooks in good and eventually moved in with him. Last I heard they moved to FL and god help us all but I think she procreated.....I can only hope the kid takes after its dad!
To say Janet and I were relived is such an understatement. We danced around singing "ding dong the witch is dead" and I swear the whole place seemed lighter and brighter the second she left. It was as if even the sun beams feared to come in with her around. And don't think I am kidding about the singing and dancing.....literally we had a "wendy is gone" happy dance. It was great.
With her gone this began a stream of random roommates- usually recruited by me.
I was drinking an awful lot at the time so I can't recall exactly the order.....I might need to confer with Janet to help place them all but they all made up what we called the "special guest role" in our wacky little sitcom.
Again, not sure of the true order but let's start with John.
Oh John......what can I say about him. is a short list of some of John's little adventures:
he accidentally shut our cat in the fridge for god know how long....all I know is I came home to a cat-sicle (she was fine, frosted whiskers but fine)
he never ever cleaned up his messes prompting Janet one in a fit of litter induced rage to take a pizza box he had left on the counter and drive it into his bedroom door with a butcher knife and a note warning him to pick his shit up or else !!
he took longer to get ready than we did (not gay?? puhleezzeeee)
he bumped into things, all the time like the guy could barely walk 10 feet without knocking something over
We did have some good times with him to be truthful....he was just so damn easy to mess with! You could tell him anything and he would totally believe it. It was a great game to come up with the most extreme things we could just to see how far we could go before we would lose him. The answer? Pretty damn far.....