Saturday, December 13, 2008

Go forth in HOPE

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Go forth in HOPE

Current mood: inspired

Category: Life

Tough times don't last, tough people do.

There is no denying that these are tough times. We all have our own challenges and struggles that make this a particularly tough period of our lives. God knows I have my own little daily drama that I have a starring role in everyday and I would probably have every one's sympathy and support if I curled into a little ball and tried to hide and wait out the horrible waves that are crashing down upon me. BUT what good would that do? I choose to be an active participant in my own life and live and die by my choices. I choose not to give in to the sadness and the thousands of great reasons (or more accurately, excuses) to give up and not try and let life happen to me- come what may.

I haven't been doing all I could or should to keep all the plates in my life spinning so I need to dedicate more time and resources to taking care of those critical things cuz I do not have much of a safety net right now. If I lost my job tomorrow I would be in a world of hurt and for many of us that is a very clear possibility. I talk to people all the time about how to set yourself up for success. Always market yourself and keep networking. Always keep your eye on the prize and options open while staying focused on doing a great job where you are. Now is NOT the time to let the bad economy be your excuse to give up and not do what you know you need to do. Now IS the time to dig in and do 100% more than you used to and hope it gets you half as far.

I am starting to work on my own 2009 personal and professional goals and start thinking about what I want to create with my life next year. As crazy as life is right now I really do believe we are on the edge of greatness. Say what you will about our President-Elect but I can never remember having such a charismatic leader who has inspired such hope in the world. Now that he has the gig he has to execute but it is our job as citizens to make that job as easy as possible by having some hope and faith in his leadership and the power of change. We are always stronger as individuals and as a people when we come from a place of hope. Hope breeds strength and confidence and the will to MAKE IT HAPPEN. It is the oven from which creative thoughts and ideas are baked into reality. Amazing things can and will happen in the next year. Yes, some challenging things will happen too but even from them the most amazing moments can arise.

I call upon the world to take ownership of your role in this challenging time and believe in the power of change, believe things are going to get better and whatever you can offer as a solution- even if it is as little as using cloth bags for your groceries- DO IT NOW and commit to doing it everyday.

And most of all, more critical than anything else. Believe in the extraordinary and go forth in hope....

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