Sunday, November 30, 2008

Make a different choice

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Make a different choice

Current mood: focused

Category: Life

Ok, self ass kicking time. I preach and preach to the people in my life about taking accountability and responsibility for their lives and their choices. Life doesn't just happen to you, you control the events of your life with the choices that you make everyday and each day is anopportunity to make a difference choice. If you don't like what happened today then make a different choice tomorrow!

I have let myself slip into a dark place. As my sister told me last night- you don't need to read a blog to know where my head is at. I have been guilty of letting a few people really effect some personal choices and decisons I have made so it's high time that I am remind myself that -I- am in charge of my life. As much as I wish I could, I have not yet mastered the ability to make the kids play MY reindeer games (like the seasonal reference?? thought so...) but be warned- shit's gonna go down differently once I master the Jedi Mind trick!! (And I just watched Star Wars (the OG) last night so watch out!!)

So.....time to do what I can with what I have. I need to be a bit more selfish and realize that as I keep myself healthy and strong that will benefit everyone around me. I can't lift anyone up if I am sinking in the water myself. The first rule of emergency rescue is always secure your own safety first. That is what I need to do now. I will secure my own safety lines (wow, can you tell I watched Whale Wars today?) and make sure the first person I save- is myself.

I don't plan on being perfect and I'll probably stumble in the next few weeks but I am going to keep coming back to the line in the sand I am drawing right now and remember that TODAY I am making different choices that will set me up as best I can for tomorrow and beyond. I can, I will and I must succeed!

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